London Baby!

It's all kicked off in London. Fashion Week has begun and I for one am excited - it's a good indication it's going to be a goodun when Kate Moss takes her front row seat on Day 1.

I'm not sure about you but I was a little un-inspired with New York; I don't recall being in awe or amazed with any particular collection or show. I was certainly not enthused with the standard of the amount of Z-listers taking up their VIP seats? Also, while we're on the subject why were the front row ladies wearing teeny tiny dresses in -7 degree weather , with no tights, were they crazy?

Anyway enough about New York, London is where it's at. Everything changes when the fash pack hit the big smoke. The heels are higher, the hair is perfectly coiffed and there's not a black root in sight. Somerset House is crawling with stylish girls on the cobbles and there's so much excitement in the air. And whilst LA girls are pretty clean living London girls love a good aftershow party - just ask the Geldofs.

Although London Fashion Week officially started today, for me Fashion Week begins tomorrow. Tonight the nails have been painted, the hair mask and face mask have been applied and the chosen outfit has been carefully selected.

So what's exciting about tomorrow? Well I for one can't wait for the Topshop Unique show just after midday. Last season we saw hair braids, rucksacks, neon pink lips, dirty denim and a definite sporty vibe to the spring summer collection. The front row wasn't short of people to gawp at (Kate Moss, Olivia Palermo etc.) and whilst I'm not even sure why I'm such a big fan, the fact it's the only catwalk collection I could ever possibly afford to buy plays a huge role.

I have a feeling I may need to start saving now...

P.S If anyone sees me around please come say hello.


London Fashion Week Tickets


Pre-Fashion Week!