To Ugg or not to Ugg?

Don't get me wrong, I've thrown a few snowballs in my time and I've even been skiing on a school trip (I cried every day) but I'm just over this weather already. What I'm finding especially hard is the chore of getting ready for work. Please tell me I'm not the only one finding it tough? Working in the magazine world, every day I walk through the doors and wait for the lift and I'm stood there surrounded by glamour. The majority of the girls have style and elegance seeping from every pore; they have the latest designer handbag, they have perfectly coiffed hair and their immaculate fingernails are always painted in the 'in' colour for the season, FYI right now it's one of the new Chanel shades - Inattendu is their current favourite (I can't wait to get my hands on the 'greige' shade come the end of the January)

Anyway, as i was saying getting dressed is no mean feat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a charity case - I can put an outfit together and I do usually have nicely painted nails. However, it's this weather + work attire that I struggle with. To Ugg or not to Ugg that is the question. Uggs I find, are also Marmite, I personally dislike them but I see the benefits and right now those benefits are amazing! Jumpers are also tricky, in theory jumpers are great, you think you'll look casual and chic but instead you just look a little bit chubby and a bit too hot once the office central heating kicks in.

It seems that every day for the past week I choose the drabbest items I can find, I put on the minimal amount of make-up, I do barely a thing with my hair and I just throw on as many layers as I can. There is no sight of a sparkly accessory or even a smile for that matter, I just go to work, come home, put my cosy pyjamas on and I sit and watch rubbish TV. I think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder with the trigger being snow.

I just want a spring in my step, I want the clocks to go forward and Summer to arrive, just the mere thought brings a smile to my face; I can't wait for floral prints, 90's denim, rucksacks, round sunglasses, Pimms, Wimbledon whites, strawberries, Neon shades, Coachella festival, beachy waves in my hair and a sunkissed glow on my face... ahhhh bliss.

For now, well I suppose a hot chocolate with whipped cream will have to do...


Kelly Cutrone


Red Lipstick...the little black dress of the makeup world!