Daisy de Villeneuve and Natasha Law - No Love Lost
I attended the opening of Daisy de Villeneuve and Natasha Law’s first exhibition together exploring a darker side of friendship and women’s relationships. Really it just feels like girls being girls: we're not always pretty and nice. We can be so mean, especially when we're young. The images are open to interpretation – you can make up your mind about the character – I quite like her – she has all sorts of cool things and in one of Natasha’s paintings she has her head in a toilet., throwing up. There is something about this woman that you can’t help but be curious about.I really enjoyed the exhibition and thought Natasha's and Daisy's work went well together: Daisy's characters are fictional and Natasha's work comes from her personal memories. Daisy does felt-tip illustrations and Natasha paints - but they both wear shoes!
Daisy de Villeneuve                        Poppy de Villeneuve                  Jan de Villeneuve
Courtney Blackman                      Alison Whelan                                    Natasha LawCourtney and Natasha are both wearing Beatrix Ong shoes - they are also both wearing black dresses with bows and are quite petite. It was great though - instead of throwing dirty glances at one another they were delighted by their mutual good taste - like soulmates!No Love Lost exhibition is at Elevan from April 1st to May 2nd 2009.