Inbar Spector at Vauxhall Fashion Scout!
I had a fantastic time styling Inbar Spector's show! There is so much of this collection that I want and would wear all the time, I really love all the clothes and the construction is genius! When you have clothes this special you've got to have a fantastic team! First and for most we had Inbar and a very very dedicated team of seamstresses including her Mum! Then great hair and make up people (I'm a hair obsessed stylist...) Anyway sometimes you work with people because it's a job and then just sometimes you just love the people you work with! Today was one of those days :) I'm so lucky!
For more information about makeup artist Lan Nguyen check out Bella Sugar!
Our lovely models, Yan from Toni & Guy, Inbar Spector, Lan our make up artist and me!Update: Inbar on the BBC and