, Barbie and Erté's fashion paper doll books

MyWardrobe.jpgI love shopping online and I love when I find something new that reminds me of something old. I used to love playing with dolls. I don't remember how many Barbie dolls I had but I wasn't into Barbie stuff: the house, the car etc. It's odd now that I think about it, as I'm still not into all that stuff. I used to love paper doll books too and I'd never cut them up; I'd just admire them. I was browsing My and there are a couple of functions that seem really reminiscent of playing with dolls and paper dolls.Both of the functions take place in the fitting room.1. Products - If you click "day dresses" you'll see all the day dresses. The images are quite small so it has a paper doll effect - which I quite like. (It's not the only way to see the items, there is a see all function if you start of at Clothing - which then has larger images.)2. Looks - If you click on any of the images you get a mood board of look and you can click on each garment for more information. it's kind of fun!...and for the real thing - check out Erté's fashion paper doll books!Erte.jpg


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