Interview with ½ of Day Dream Nation: Jing Wong
Interview with ½ of Day Dream Nation:
Jing Wong
360 Fashion:I love the name Daydream Nation, how did you come up with it and what does itmean to you and the label?Daydream Nation: It was the name of Sonic Youth’s album, but it only struck me one daywhen I read about a theatre director called Phelim who believed that societyhas a ‘Racism against Daydreamers’. Being born in the rigid Hong Kongeducation system that stifles creativity, we found it our mission to cultivatea culture of imagination that links us back to the poetics of life, integral toa society’s creative potential.360 Fashion:There seem to be a few sister and brother design duos out there. Do you enjoy working together? Do you think it gives you an advantage overother design partnerships? Do you everfight?Daydream Nation: It is a Love/Hate relationship. We know each other so well collaboration becomes economical; we knoweach other’s strengths and weaknesses and we don’t have to explain things ahundred times, but seeing your sibling all day at work and after work can be alittle too much. We can be as frank aspossible to each other (that’s a good thing) and we know whatever happens westill love each other. And yes of course we fight,but in a very civilized manner, so blood is spared…360 Fashion:LondonUKYou’re from Hong Kong and spend a great deal of time there, but have a studioin and consider yourselves a abel. How does that work?Daydream Nation: London To be exact, we have finally based ourselves in Hong Kong as a HongKong label for the economy of production, but we were both trained in London, so creatively we still feel very akin to the London spirit.360 Fashion:Have you always wanted to have a fashion label?Daydream Nation: Kay always wanted a clothing label as far as I know, and I just want todo my Visual-led performances. What weare doing is neither fashion nor theatre. It is more like two people, two friends being really interested increating and neglecting the man-made definitions of different creative genres.360 Fashion:What is your signature? Is there aspecific fabric or print that you are known to use? Or a detail?Daydream Nation: It depends on the story we are telling that season.360 Fashion: What are some of yourfavorite colors, patterns, weights of material to work with?Daydream Nation: We are in love with creamycolours and details made with a handmade touch, such as smocking.
360 Fashion:Who are your favorite designers that youlook to for inspiration?Daydream Nation: Hussein Chalayan, Victor & Rolf, Jessica Ogden360 Fashion:Which celebrities would you most like tosee wearing Daydream Nation?Daydream Nation: Emily Simone, Joanna Newsom, Charlotte Gainsbourg, the sisters fromCocoRosie.360 Fashion:What outside aspects inspire yourdesigns?Daydream Nation: Puppetry, dance, theatre, film, photos, music and the Sham Shui Po areaof Hong Kong .360 Fashion:What were some of the struggles you hadto overcome when beginning the label?Daydream Nation: Finance, Accounting, Planning, Administration etc. In short, everything a kidhates doing.
360 Fashion:What is the name of your currentcollection and why?Daydream Nation: SS08 is called ‘Good Morning I’m Sleeping’. The state of daydreaming is ideal for seeingseemingly dull things with new eyes.360 Fashion:Where is the collection currently soldand who are you dream stockists?Daydream Nation: Our AW07 collection will be stocked in Harvey Nichols, Hong Kong;Labour of Love and the Old Curiosity Shop in London; Gallery Simone, Paris;Goggle, Coppenhagen; 2 tul aura, Belgium; and Ants in my Pants, Madrid.Dover Street Market in London would be our dreamstockist. They did come to our show inFebruary. Now they just need to buy inour collections!360 Fashion:Do you both daydream?Daydream Nation: So far our lives have been a dream, too good to be true. So yes, I suppose.